Obese people have been trying dieting for a long time by using ‘general’ diets that were designed for the ‘average’ dieter. However, we are all different and for that reason, Dr. Cohen offers scientific solution in helping you to lose extra weight by using a ‘personal’ diet that is created for you based on your personal information and blood profile. The customized advice of Dr. Cohen keeps a dieter in unified moods and she looks further to experience perfect body weight. He further explains that your acute figure is not just a stand to look attractive but it keeps you strong in fighting with seasonal illness and other chronic diseases. Just by following simple eating habits suggested by Dr. Cohen, you can achieve your goal in fixing your weight. He includes fish, red meat, poultry, seafood eggs, dairy, vegetables, fruits and crackers at precise quantities. Moreover, he never asks to buy a costly food supplement. Food is the real medicine here. His weight loss programs also...