Dr. Cohen says that nothing can be achieved without
your balanced mind. The same strategy works in balanced eating plan for weight loss. He also explains how your
obesity can become a reason for chronic diseases and seasonal infections later
in life. That’s why he advises each of his dieters to go for simple blood
test. Its test reports allow him to prepare a personal diet for his dieters.
Dr. Cohen suggests that your perfect body weight boosts your immunity. He includes healthy foods from all groups i.e. fish, red meat, poultry, seafood eggs, dairy, vegetables, fruits and crackers at precise quantities suitable to each dieter’s need. The correct food in takings fixes the weight in the body and the dieter experiences renewed energy, stamina and endurance. He says that your food is your real medicine and there is no need to buy costly food supplement. The best part of balanced eating plan for weight loss is the introduction of additional foods at the end. It prepares the dieters to control their temptation for those foods during social gatherings.
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