Dr. Cohen believes that a personal diet that is customized to suite your needs works better than a general diet that was designed for the ‘average’ dieter. Our diet is created for you based on your personal information and blood test results. No need for any costly food supplement in order to achieve your goal of perfect body figure. Your food is the real medicine that helps you in fixing your weight and later on, reducing fat in the body.
Dr. Cohen explains that your immunity
can be affected by being overweight so the chances of infections is higher. Dr.
Cohen believes
in customized approach to each dieter so you are
advised to take those foods in precise quantities that suit your body. Our diet
includes red meat, poultry, fish, dairy, vegetables, seafood eggs,
fruits and crackers etc. It helps you to lose your weight in a natural manner
that lasts for long time. He
says that there is no need to start any extra physical activity if you are not
doing earlier because sudden start of physical activity can bring drastic
effect to your goal of weight loss.
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